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A national provision passed at the end of 2022 impacts tourist tax rates which will change on January 1, 2024.
On this date, an additional regional tax of 34% will be added to the locally voted share (and to the 10% additional departmental share).
This additional tax is not a choice of the community but a legal obligation resulting from the Finance Law for 2023 - article 76, in order to finance the Perpignan Montpellier High Speed Line (LGV).
The additional regional tax will be recovered, by all accommodation providers in the department, according to the same terms as the tourist tax to which it is added.
It will be donated by the Community of Communes Conflent Canigó to the Société “du Grand Projet du Sud-Ouest // de la Ligne Nouvelle Montpelier – Perpignan”.

For our furnished tourist rentals classified 3 stars, the tourist tax increases from €0.55 to €0.72